Wednesday, October 23, 2013

4th Oceanography

We learned about the 5 layers of the ocean and the animals that are found there.

We also learned about Coral Reefs and played Jenja by  pulling blocks if your card reads that the reef is damaged in some way.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

3rd grade visits Point University

The 3rd graders had a ball exploring the Creative Arts Centers presented by Point University students.


Pictured above: All 3rd grade gifted in Chambers County.

Friday, October 11, 2013

5th Grade: Criminology

Fifth graders explore fingerprinting by studying their own print enlarged on a balloon.  Then they labeled all the things that make their print unique.

4th Grade: Tide Pools

Fourth Grades explores the animals of a Tide Pool by researching and creating their own mural.

3rd GradeCrazy Albert Einstein Hair!!


Third grade creates Albert Einstein people to represent the characteristics of what it takes to be an inventor.  Some of the qualities include being creative, persistence, being open to criticism, solving problems, and being curious.