Friday, February 28, 2014

3rd Grade Invents:

The Foldable Fishing Pole
The Fuse Tester
The Auburn/Alabama Fan Necklace
The Bike Cup Holder
The Hand Raiser
Army Chess
The Infinity game parts Organizer


C.C.A.T.S. 4th and 5th Create Art Masterpieces!

 Of all the art work only 10 were chosen to go on to the Valley for the Annual Art Exhibition.  The show is Saturday, March 1st @ 1:00.   Whether we bring home a ribbon or not, I felt like these pieces were a great representation of Eastside C.C.A.T.S. program.  Congratulations students!
These pieces were inspired by our units on Oceanography and Washington D.C.

4th Grades Had a "Whale" of a Time last class!!

Did you know that there are 11 species of baleen whales and 67 species of toothed whales? 
We measured 5 different types of whales to see just how big they really are:


This Blue Whale measurement (110 ft.) continued down the hall and out the door. Now that's a BIG mammal!
The class worked well together when measuring and were amazed at the size of these amazing animals!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

3rd Grade: New Horizons Theater

The 3rd grade learned all about what it takes to put on a production.  We watched a couple of scenes of the upcoming play, "The Little Princess" and were able to ask the actors questions and even take a tour of the studio.  Who knows, maybe there is a budding actor/actress in this group!

5th Grade Discovers Exciting Criminology Classes at McWane Center

The 5th graders visited the McWane Center to learn about criminology.  They were able to examine evidence and solve a crime.  We also had a ball exploring the 4 floors of hands on activities!