Friday, March 28, 2014

4th grade Owl Pellets

4th grade experienced the wonder of Owl Pellets!  We will be taking a class on Ornithology (study of birds) while at Jekyll Island, so we got a head start leaning about the habits of owls.  Some students discovered mice skulls and other interesting things while dissecting their owl pellets.

5th grade: American Village: A Timeless Lesson of Liberty that Freedom is Not Free!

The fifth grade traveled to Montevallo to visit the American Village.  We were able to tour Washington Hall, (inspired by Mount Vernon itself)  the Colonial Chapel, the Oval Office (exact replica), and learn about our country and it beginnings.  We felt like we were living back in time as we participated in the live performances of historical figures.

Our Mission

Thursday, March 20, 2014

4th grade Paper Maches Ocean Animals.....Results to Come....

Assignment:  Choose an ocean animal that you do not know anything about.  Research, write, and draw your ocean animal.  Then the paper mache project can begin!  Using a flour and water mixture and of course a balloon, the fun and messiness can begin!   We still have to add our appendages, add a couple more layers of paper mache and then paint!  See the progression below:
PHASE ONE:  Newspaper layers over the balloon:

PHASE 2:  White paper over the newspaper:


PHASE 3: PAINT AND DECORATE: (finished product)

Don't they look great!!  Unfortunately 2 students are absent today, but their fish are still represented:) 
Can you find:  Pineapple fish, Chevron Tang, Sawfish, Swordfish, Sunfish, the Wrase and the Gulper Eel?

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

3rd grade visits Auburn Universty

The Engineering Department at Auburn University planned several learning activities for our large group of 3rd graders.  We were challenged in architecture by attempting to build the largest free standing structure of marshmallows and spaghetti noodles.  (And it had to stand for 2 minutes!!)  Then we had a variety of materials for our Egg Drop.  The challenge was to not crack the egg when dropped from the 2nd floor!  Here are some pictures of our day:

And then the EGG DROP challenge:

Next:  A tour of the Auburn Stadium and Locker Room:


3rd grade Mc Wane Center

What a great time we had exploring the McWane Center!  We took a Lego robotics class where we built and programed Legos!  Here are a few pictures of our experience there.

3rd grade CCATS students

A video of our Lego foot kicking a ball!



Who knew you could have so much fun and learn so much at the same time???!!!