Wednesday, October 22, 2014

5th grade Criminology Unit

Fifth graders enjoy using our new smart board to solve the Mystery of the Pet Napper.  They are also creating brochures about criminology careers. Such hard workers!

4th grade Discovers the wonders of a Tide Pool

      • Image result for define tide pool
  1. Tide pools:
    1. Tide pools are on the sea shore which are filled with seawater and abundance ocean life.

    Here is a picture of our tide pool mural along with our animal life and cool facts:

3rd grade visits Point University

So much fun and learning at Point University!  The students had a ball going around to different learning centers.  Here are a few stations that we were able to participate in :

Can you Solve the Mystery Station

McDonalds "Can I take your order?"

Where the Wild Things Are puppet station

Be in your own rock band

Diggin for Fossils

Hawaii:  Learning the sign language of hula dancing


Creating art

Welcome Back!

The first few days of CCATS classes was full of excited activity.  Third grade started their invention unit off with peanut butter playdough.  Fourth grade did a working together brain teaser called Save Fred.  Fifth grade was introduced to Criminology with a study of their own fingerprints.  So glad to have all my old and new students for another great year.  Keep checking back to see what we are up to!

Happy Birthday Tre'