Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Cups Challenge

The 4th graders really had to practice working as a team for this challenge.  Can you build a tower of cups and not touch the cups at all?  Teams of 3 works together by only using strings and rubber bands to build a tall tower of cups. 

The girls did it!

The boys are going for the extra layer!

KWL: Oceans
We know a lot of prior knowledge on oceans, but just wait until the end of the year...We will be experts.

Inventive Problem Solving

Inventions are all around us.....some small, some big.  Each one usually starts with a problem to solve. After our introduction lesson to inventions, we tested out a edible invention. yum, yum...
Story Problem: When K-4 students were continually caught eating play dough, their teacher came up with an invention to help:  EDIBLE PLAY DOUGH!  So now the K-4 students can play and eat their play dough at the same time.  
18 oz. jar peanut butter
Add Powered Sugar until the peanut butter is not sticky.

Mix all ingredients. Let children roll out with rolling pin, cut with cookie cutters and eat!

3rd graders carefully following the recipe

Do you wanna build a snowman?  

Pancake time