Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Criminology Underway!

4th/5th graders are starting off the year learning about Criminology.  We have studied DNA and fingerprints.  See below:

DNA  Keychains

Fingerprints on balloons- then we blew up the balloon to enlarge the fingerprint.  We looked for characteristics that make our fingerprint unique.

3rd Grade Inventions

From Peanut Butter Playdough, ice cream, bridges and bubble gum the 3rd grade has had a good time exploring these inventions and the history behind them.  Maybe this will spark some invention ideas from these students in the future.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

5th Criminology

Back in the classroom, we did experiments to see who was the Lunchbox thief!  The students had to go to seven different rotations to find clues to solve the crime.

5th grade Criminology visit from Auburn University

We got to solve a mystery!!  Auburn University students came and taught us how to look for clues in a crime situation.  By the end of the rotations, we were able to solve this 1930's crime!