Friday, December 19, 2014

4th Grade Fish Kits

4th graders learned all about parts of a fish and what they do.  Here's a song that they learned to help them remember all the fins of a fish. 
Dorsal, Pectoral, Pelvic, Caudal, Pelvic, Caudal
Dorsal, Pectoral, Pelvic, Caudal, Pelvic, Caudal
Lateral Line, Operculum and Gills
Dorsal, Pectoral, Pelvic, Caudal, Pelvic, Caudal
And don't forget the anal fin ;)

Students were given playdough, fins, and a numbered descriptive paragraph (no picture)  and they were to build the fish described matching up the correct fins, body shape, and tails and then check the number with the picture to see how close they followed directions.  These students did AWESOME. Check it out:

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