Friday, March 13, 2015

5th and 6th D.C./N.Y.C. Trip

For 5 exciting days we toured Washington D.C. and New York. We had a blast, seeing first hand, about what we have been studying in class. Here are a couple of pictures to show our wonderful experiences:


Day one:  Excited !!!  Leaving on the bus 

On the plane:)  

Ford Theater:  Where Lincoln was assassinated.

Frank-o our tour guide for the entire Washington D.C. trip was interesting and informative :)

Air & Space Museum

Arlington National Cemetary

From Lafayette:  Boxer Joe Lewis is buried there.
Changing of the Guards 
Lincoln Memorial

Iwo Jima
MLKing Jr. Memorial

National Cathedral

WWII Memorial

Picture trick with the Washington Monument :) :) 

Capitol Building

FDR Memorial 
FDR Food line memorial (supposed to look sad )

National Archives:  Declaration of Independence ....We saw it :)``

Washington Monument:  555 feet we rode to the top :)

Mount Vernon Tour

George Washington's House 

National History Museum

Muhammad's Gloves in the American History Museum

NY: Top of the Rockefeller Center

Overlooking Central Park!

Aladdin:  Broadway show we saw.  We gave it a 10 out of 10.  (see the 2015 Ball?)

Time Square

 NY selfie

Taking the subway


Took a Ferry to the Ellis Island and saw this Lady Liberty.

At the airport ...going home...was a great trip!!

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